Who We Are
The Metropolitan New York Baptist Association (MNYBA) is a family of churches of diverse sizes, ethnicities, and languages that cooperate together to make disciples of all people. Our churches meet in apartments, public schools, warehouses, renovated office space, rented facilities and various church buildings in a 75-mile radius from Times Square.

What We Do
MNYBA connects local churches for global impact by planting culturally and contextually appropriate New Testament Churches, raising up biblically trained, Kingdom minded leaders, equipping churches to meet the spiritual, physical, social need of people. We network with global partners to provide resources for evangelism, church planting, community ministry and volunteer missions.

Our Mission
Our mission is to make a global impact for the gospel! How do we do this?
MNYBA helps churches plant new churches, train leaders, and equip churches to meet the spiritual, physical, and social needs of people. We network with global partners to provide resources for evangelism, church planting, community ministry and volunteer missions.